
8 800 505 37 73

Бесплатный звонок по России

JSCB Transstroibank (JSC) is a multi-purpose commercial bank that has been successfully operating in the banking market since April 1994. Over the years of its activity, the Bank has established itself as a stable and reliable partner which always fulfils its obligations, responds to the customers’ wishes, and builds its policies in the interests of the customers.

At the same time, the Bank pursues the disclosure policies by posting on the Bank’s website annual reports of the Bank, financial statements in accordance with the Russian accounting standards (RAS) and the international financial reporting standards (IFRS), and auditor’s opinions about the reliability of financial statements. 

  •  The Bank holds the General Banking License No. 2807 issued by the Bank of Russia.
  •  The Bank holds the License No. 045-10552-010000 to a professional participant of the securities market to act as dealer.
  •  The Bank holds the License No. 045-10550-100000 to a professional participant of the securities market to act as broker.
  • The Bank holds the License No. 045-14072-000100 to a professional participant of the securities market to act as depository.
  •  The Bank holds the Licence No. 2807 to carry out banking operations with precious metals.
  •  The Bank holds the Licence No. 0014961 Registration number 16226Н issued by the FSB Centre for Licensing, Certification, and Protection of State Secret.

Bank Ratings:

On March 30, 2021, the Expert RA rating agency assigned Transstroybank (JSC) a credit rating of ruB-. 

The Bank is:

  •  a member of the FX market section of the MOEX;
  •  a member of the equities market of the MOEX;
  •  an associated member of the VISA International IPS;
  •  an affiliated member of the MasterCard International IPS;
  •  an alias member of the MIR National Payment System;
  •  a member of the S.W.I.F.T. Russian National Association;
  •  a member of the REUTERS DEALING System;
  •  a member of the Association of Russian Banks;
  •  a member of the National Financial Association.

On February 17, 2005, the Bank was included on the register of banks participating in the obligatory insurance system of deposits.

JSCB Transstroibank (JSC) was included on the Register of banks authorized to issue bank guarantees for payment of customs duties, taxes.

Since 2014, the accounting and financial statements of the Bank has been audited by Auditing Firm “Universe-Audit” Joint-Stock Company in accordance with the Russian auditing standards. The auditing for 1998 - 2013 was performed by Auditing Firm “ENEKO-1” Limited Liability Company in accordance with the RAS standards.

The Bank’s financial statements for the period of 2000 to 2006 were audited by PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PriceWaterhouseCoopers Audit CJSC) in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards. The Bank’s financial statements for the period of 2007 to 2014 were audited by KPMG (KPMG JSC) in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards. Since 2015, the Bank has been audited by Auditing Firm “Universe-Audit” Joint-Stock Company, a member of HLB International, in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards.

The Bank strives in its activities to establish trust-based relations with its customers, partners and contracting parties on the basis of mutual respect. One of the strategic tasks of the Bank is to enhance the Bank’s reputation as a reliable partner.

In its activity the Bank is governed by principles of the Code of Ethical Principles in the Banking approved by the XIX Congress of the Association of Russian Banks on April 2, 2008.

Over the years of its activity, the Bank has been involved in funding of a number of large-scale projects, including:

  •   reconstruction of the Moscow-Saint Petersburg railroad;
  •  construction of a permanent railroad way to the Elginski deposit;
  •  restoration and construction of more than 40 churches in the territory of Russia, Bulgaria and the Netherlands;
  •  manufacturing of СТ-2 hoisting cranes;
  •  сconstruction of hotel complexes in Samara, Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, and Irkutsk (which are currently being operated under the world-famed mark of Marriott).

As of March 1, 2022 the capital position of the Bank is 1,181,763,000 roubles; the capital adequacy ratios established by the Bank of Russia as of the above date are: Н1.1 = 11.423 %, Н1.2 = 11.423 %, Н1.0 = 12.387 %.