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Бесплатный звонок по России

How to open an account:

  1. Provide a set of documents to the Bank

  2. Conclude an agreement and obtain the settlement account number

Open account

One may state with a great deal of confidence the fact that the decision to take advantage of Salary Project service offered by JSCB Transstroibank (JSC) will be one of the most positive steps in development of your business. This is conditional upon several reasons:

  • this service will relieve you from risks associated with settlements in cash when paying monthly salary and/or other social benefits;
  • usage of this service is one of the dominant factors affecting the building of your employees’ self-confidence regarding the stability of the company whereby they are employed; and your employees’ composure and feeling confident in the future is your capital;
  • The Salary Project will save for your accountant the time, which is maybe the most valuable resource nowadays, and which can be used in more rational way than for counting and distribution of available cash funds. A simple procedure for drawing up the Salary Project in Transstroibank will allow you to provide your employees with a convenient and secure tool of safekeeping their money in the space of short days.
Draw up application