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Бесплатный звонок по России

Deposits with Transstroibank are an additional income on beneficial terms.

How to make a deposit?

  1. Visit our Transstroibank Office or send online application

  2. Conclude an agreement

  3. Deposit cash assets on your bank account

  4. Receive a guaranteed income

Operating cash desks that are not a part of the cash operating unit do not provide the depositing service

Minimum amount:
RUB 3,000,000 / USD/EUR 100,000

An additional increase in income by using the interests capitalization function

Make a deposit

Minimum amount:
RUB 100,000 / USD/EUR 3,000

A possibility to choose an optimum ratio of the length and deposit rate

Make a deposit

Minimum amount:
RUB 300,000 / USD/EUR 5,000

Open-ended opportunities for the deposit replenishment

Make a deposit

Advantages of deposits made in Transstroibank

  • Высокие процентные ставки и широкий диапазон сроков размещения
    High interest rates and a wide range of deposit lengths
  • Возможности пополнения и совершения расходных операции
    A possibility to replenish your deposit and make debit operations
  • Ежемесячная выплата процентов
    Monthly payment of interests
  • Возможность пролонгации
    Prolongation option
  • Разнообразный функционал депозита под конкретные потребности Вашей организации
    Various features of the deposit according to the specific needs of your entity