
8 800 505 37 73

Бесплатный звонок по России

JSCB Transstroibank (JSC) offers its customers to use the following bank guarantees:

•       Bid Guarantee: The Bank guarantees the obligations of a principal for meeting the conditions set out in Tenders carried out by various tendering authorities;

•       Performance Guarantee: The Bank guarantees the obligations of a principal towards its counterparties for the performance of terms and conditions of contracts and agreements concluded (supply contracts, contracts for work and labour, etc.);

•       Any kinds of bank guarantees in favour of customs bodies (Customs Guarantees), including to secure the obligations for timely payment of customs charges or for delay in customs charges;

•       Bank Guarantee for Excise Duties;

•       Bank Guarantee for Timely and Proper Use of Tax Strips;

•       and any other kinds of guarantees.

Any bank guarantee is granted subject to a security. Various categories of personal and real property; production and retail equipment; real estate; securities; stock-in-trade; guarantees issued by the first class banks; suretyship by third parties, etc. can be considered as a security.

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