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Бесплатный звонок по России

How is the cash collection performed?

  1. An application for cash collection is filed

  2. Cash collection bags with cash money are submitted to a specialized company

  3. Delivery of cash collection bags with cash money to the Bank’s office

  4. Opening of cash collection bags with cash money, recounting money and entering onto the settlement account

How is the cash collection performed?

1.      An application for cash collection is filed

Cash collection bags with cash money are submitted to a specialized company

Delivery of cash collection bags with cash money to the Bank’s office

Opening of cash collection bags with cash money, recounting money and entering onto the settlement account

The Bank guarantees the safeguard of your valuables, strict adherence to the transportation schedule, and high quality of service.

We offer you a full range of services for cash collection, differential tariffs, convenient schedule and strict adherence thereto with adjustable time of arrival.

Your advantages:

  • Prompt depositing of earnings onto your settlement account
  • Security
  • Saving of transport time within the Russian Federation
  • Flexible tariff policies

Self-collection using the Collector-Courier Card

The Visa Business Collector-Courier Card issued by Transstroibank enable legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to credit their accounts via ATMs having the Cash-IN function.

The procedure is very simple:

  1. insert your Visa Business Collector-Courier Card into Cash-IN and enter PIN-code;
  2. select the Charge-the-Card operation;
  3. insert a bundle of notes into the relevant slot and wait until the operation is completed;
  4. receive the receipt.

The money will be credited onto the company’s special account opened with Transstroibank next working day. More than 40 Cash-IN devices of partner banks with round-the-clock operation mode are at your service.